
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
A few weeks ago, before all of my computer problems, I started writing a post about our favorite review products from last year. Well, as I said, all of our computers went down at once. Finally, I have my computer back! In fact, I'm typing on it as we speak!
The end of the year wrap up post never got finished - at least not yet, but I do have an announcement to make. I've been selected to serve my third year on the TOS Homeschool Review. For most of the time I've been the only male on the crew, but this year there are two more men joining us, so you'll have to make sure you click on the link that I include in all of my reviews that takes you to the TOS Crew Blog where you'll find what other crew members thought about the different products.
In fact, check the blog frequently during the year because I don't review every single product that comes the crew's way. There are many, many more great products that just don't fit into the Tinkel family demographics. Here's the link - . Why don't you save it as one of your favorites. When you visit, check out the left hand column where it talks about all of the products that are "On Deck" for this coming year. I can't wait to get started! Happy Home Educating!
Updated: Tuesday, 12 July 2011 7:53 PM CDT
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