
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
Occasionally the members of the TOS Homeschool Crew receive a product that is not exclusively an educational item. When that happens the kids are always excited. So far, each one of these items has been a hit with the family and this one is no different.
When I found out that I was going to be sent Wits & Wagers, a game by Dominic Crapuchettes and distributed by North Star Games, I wasn't sure what to think. You see, when I checked out the website, the only thing I could find was the Wits & Wagers Party Edition and I wondered how I was going to review a party game.
Well, God has a sense of humor. We weren't given the party edition, we were sent the new Wits & Wagers Family game! But, since an upcoming game night had been scheduled at the mission that we direct, we decided to use it with the folks that come to the mission. So, we received a family game that we decided to use at a party! Boy was it a hit!
It's hard to describe Wits & Wagers. It's kind of a trivia game, but you don't really have to know any trivia. The game begins by someone asking a question that has a number answer. For example: "What's the world record number o tennis balls a dog has held in its mouth?" The individual players or teams then write down there guesses on a wipe erase board, put them in order in the middle of the table. They then take their game pieces, called "Meeples" (one large and one small) and place them on the answers that they think are closest to the correct answer (without going over). The pieces don't have to be both put on the same answer, and they don't have to be put on their own answer. After that, the correct answer is read. The answer closest to the correct answer gets a point, if you put your large "Meeple" on the closest answer, you get two points, and if you put your small "Meeple" on the closest answer you get one point. That's it!
I know my brief explanation doesn't give it justice, but it really is simple and a lot of fun. We had folks of all ages playing and everyone thought it was great. How many times have you tried playing a game with a large group and everyone loved it? Well, in this case they did! Every single person gave it "two thumbs up". It is truly a game that the whole family can play and like. The rules are very easy (ignore my babble above), you don't have to know correct answer (just be a good guesser) and everything you need is included in the game (even the wipe erase marker and the reusable scoreboard). What more could you ask for?
So, how can you get this fantastic game? Most online game sites sell North Star Games. After doing an online search the lowest prices I could find were for around $16. You can also go to the North Star Games website by clicking here or on any of the hi-lighted links above. They are working on a feature where you can find a store near you that sells their products.
If you want to know what the other TOS Homeschool Crew families thought about the Wits & Wagers Family game, click here.
Have fun!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent a free Wits & Wagers Family game in order to try out and review on my blog.
Updated: Thursday, 16 December 2010 3:09 PM CST
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