
Topic: Homeschool Product Review
For years I have prayed for my three sons. I've prayed that they would grow up to be Godly young men and adults. I've prayed that they would love the Lord with all of the hearts, souls, and minds. I've prayed that they would look to the Lord for answers and as an example of how to live. Those are not just prayers, I feel that they are God given goals that I have for my children. I am constantly looking for good Christian material that will help me accomplish those goals. That's why, when I received and read through Good Morning, God, a new children's book from Apologia Press, I was very excited.
Good Morning, God is a beautifully illustrated book geared toward children ages one through eight written by Davis Carmen and Illustrated by Alice Ratterree. The book itself is hard covered with a wonderful assortment of black and white and colored illustrations scattered throughout. The pages are not only beautiful but are made of very high quality paper. The book itself looks like the type of book that would be treasured for a lifetime. However, that is not the real reason why I like this book so much.
The real reason is that it simply states the exact goals that I have for my children - to love the Lord God with all of their hearts, souls and minds! The author takes us through the typical week of a young energetic boy. Each day teaches how we can worship God, love God, learn from God and pray to God in a different creative way. Your child will learn that he can worship God in ways such as what we think about and how we play. The book even teaches how we can worship God in our prayers. It is subtle but straight forward at the same time.
But that's not all! At the end of the book there are questions and suggestions regarding the days reading. Of course, you don't have to break it up into days, this short book can be read all in one day. In fact, the introduction gives several ways that you can use this book with your children. This book really is fantastic!
So, how much is this wonderful book? Only $14.00. You can find this book by clicking here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. There's even an accompanying coloring book that you can purchase for $4.00. As you can see, I am a new fan of this book and would recommend it to anyone but, if you don't want to take my word for it , you can read what the other crew members had to say about Good Morning, God by clicking here. And, since this book can be used by homeschooling and non-homeschooling families, I'll close by saying "Happy Home Educating"!
As a member of the TOS Homeshool Crew, Apologia Press sent me a free copy of "Good Morning God" in order to use and review on my blog.
Updated: Saturday, 11 December 2010 9:26 PM CST
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