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Families Again
Thursday, 29 October 2009
The Amazing Bible Timeline
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

Do you find it surprising that Seth (Adam & Eve's son) was still alive when Noah was born?

Or, better yet, that Adam was still alive when Noah's father, Lamech, was born?

Have you ever wondered what else was going on in the world during Bible times?

Do you find that you know bits and pieces of history but don't know how they all fit together?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, the The Amazing Bible Timeline might be for you!


Recently, as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew, I was sent The Amazing Bible Timeline for free in order to use and review on my blog. I found that it did indeed live up to its name. It truly is amazing!

The Amazing Bible Timeline is a huge chart that tracks history from creation through modern time. It's colorized depending on genealogical lines (i.e. descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth), civilizations (i.e. China, Japan, Europe, America's) or church history (i.e. the reformation). The only drawback is that it is so large it is hard to find a place to put it.

You may ask why all of the above questions are important in the real scheme of things. Let me try to explain with this little example. One thing that I learned was that Abraham was born while Shem was still alive. Many people wonder how accurate the first books of the Bible could be. Forget the fact that God breathed them and that makes them just plain accurate for just a moment Smile . Some folks say that being passed down over that many years, the real stories of creation and the flood had to have been distorted. But when you realize that because man lived longer before and right after the flood, then there really weren't that many hands that the facts passed through. Abraham heard them from Seth, who heard them from his grandfather Lamech, who heard them from Adam himself! 


And, The Amazing Bible Timeline goes from the beginning of time up through present day. It really helps to know how those bits and pieces of history that are floating around in our heads go together. Or, it's interesting to find out what was going on in the Orient and in Europe at the same time. Or...I could go on and on! I can't wait to use this with the boys in homeschool. It's too bad that we aren't doing world history this year.

I do want to caution anyone who buys this timeline to be careful. Several years ago, the makers of this chart made a version containing Mormon church history. Unfortunately, some of the Mormon facts made their way onto the original version through some printer errors. Although every effort has been made to correct the mistakes, there are still one or two references that have not been removed. Also, some of the Native American facts I feel could also be controversial. I will use the timeline with my children under strict guidance. The makers site excellent resources that they used to make the Bible section of their chart and as far as I could see, that section is very accurate. A pastor friend of mine also looked it over and came to the same conclusion. 

I think the timeline can be a great homeschooling tool or just plain Bible scholar tool for those who don't mind the couple small problems that I mentioned above. At $29.97 it is a great bargain as well! Along with that, you get a whole bunch of downloadable freebies after you order. You can check out The Amazing Bible Timeline by clicking here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. Don't forget to check out what the other members of the TOS Homeschool Crew are saying about this. You can find their reviews by clicking here. Happy homeschooling!





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Posted by tink38570 at 12:08 AM CDT
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Thursday, 29 October 2009 - 10:30 AM CDT

Name: "CookieMonsterKatrina"
Home Page: http://onemomsfunjourney.blogspot.com

Tim, I like your review.  I wanted to be more positive-sounding, like you are, since I think we could use this timeline as long as I was supervising its use.  Well done.

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