Today is a Sad Day
Topic: General

Yes, today is the last day that I'm going to post daily on my old Angelfire Families Again blog. It really has been a good blog. It is served me well since I first started blogging way back in October of 2008. I remember the first couple of months that I blogged. I had just been through a very trying time in my life and in my ministry. I was searching for something that would serve as an outlet for me. I noticed that an online friend of mine had taken up blogging. At that time she was using Angelfire. Blogging had intrigued me for a couple of years. I really didn't know a whole lot about it, how to start a blog, or what to write. But, I needed an outlet and blogging seemed to fit. So, since the only blogging platform than I knew about was Angelfire, I signed up and started a blog. Back then there really weren't many blog designs that would fit men but, when I saw the refrigerator design, it reminded me of a ride at Disney World, The Carousel of Progress. The man of the house always seemed to be in the kitchen. His living room had been taken over by family members watching TV and he had no place to go. So, he ended up in the there. The kitchen always seemed to be the place where my family gathered as well and, since my blog was going to be called Families Again, the kitchen seemed to be the perfect place for me as well.

I'll miss the old green refrigerator. It has served me well for over three years. But, just as kitchen appliances need to be updated, so did my blog. The Angelfire platform is hopelessly outdated and I really need to do more with my blog that Angelfire could provide. So, after inquiring about other blog platforms, I decided to make the switch to blogger/blogspot and start a new Families Again blog.. I'd experimented with blogger//blogspot before and really enjoyed it so the switch wasn't that hard to make. This past month and a half I've spent designing and changing things over to my new blog.. As much as I'll miss Angelfire, I have really enjoyed working on my new blog and I really like the look. I think it will serve me well in the months and years to come. Oh, I'm sure, from time to time, I'll revisit my old Angelfire Families Again blog and may post something new, but those times will be few and far between.. From now on all of my main posts will be on my new Families Again blog.. If you haven't visited my new Families Again blog all you have to do is click here or on any one of the highlighted links above. If any of you have been so kind as to add five blog to your favorites don't forget to visit the new blog save that one to your favorites and delete the old Angelfire address. You can also follow my new blog using GFC (Google Friend Connect), NetworkedBlogs, or other popular blog following devices. All choices are found in the right-hand column of my new blog.
Thank you, my readers, for all of the joy that you've given me these past three years. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas, and I'm praying that we all have a blessed 2012. I have many great plans for my new blog in the coming year I hope that you will all be part of it.
Until Tomorrow,
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