
Topic: The Kids
We took First Place at the 4-H state championships!
John Allen didn't quite fair as well this week as he did last week. He still had great scores, but not good enough to win first place individually. The 4-H BB gun state championship is run a lot differently than the Jaycee BB gun state championship. There were more teams at the 4-H state match, but the Awesome Possums with John Allen anchoring the team still won first place. Joshua had an excellent match. His gun malfunctioned during the prone position and he didn't post a good score, but we switched guns and he really did well (for him) on the other three positions. And, he had a great test score! John Allen also had a great test score and did well in the prone, standing and sitting positions, but had problems with the kneeling position. Kneeling has always been his worst position. Something to work on for the national match. As usual, we had great parents who took lots of pictures. Here's the slide show!