
Topic: Family
Well, the holidays are almost over and so are all of my great advent/holiday plans for the family. How did they go? You read about our first advent night in one of my previous posts. The others went a little better but not much. We made sure that our calender was clear for the second advent night, but we still started late, so Joshua still wasn't himself. He was quite during the start of our Bible reading, but then we were interupted and it went downhill from there. He lost focus for the rest of the Bible reading and then didn't want to do the craft. The third night was a little better, he did try the craft even after being antsy during the devotional time.
It is partly my fault. I should have been doing family devotions since all of the kids were little. I can't totally expect them to cooperate right from the start when they aren't used to it. But, that is about to end. I am commited to start daily family devotions beginning January 1st. Of course, we won't have the added crafts, and I will make sure that the devotions are "Joshua friendly". It should be interesting - I'll keep you posted.