
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
Psalm 34:1
Greetings in Jesus,
I pray that this finds each of you doing well. In our family we have had a busy few months. I apologize for it being so long since our last newsletter. We have had some health issues going on with our youngest son, Jacob, that has taken all of our focus. As I am writing this letter Jacob is home recovering from having his tonsils and adenoids taken out. He is doing pretty good except he does not want to take his antibiotics and pain medicine. We will see how the night goes. Over the last few months we have noticed a change in behavior in our youngest. We have had him tested for Occupational Therapy, which he is now going once a week for an hour at the same place that our other son Joshua goes. He has been tested for speech and will be going 1-2 times a week for that once it is cleared with our insurance and in the upcoming months we will be going to Vanderbilt to have him tested for Aspergers (autism) which is the same thing our son Joshua has. This past week we went to Vanderbilt because of concerns of scoliosis which turned out just to be posture. In June we were scheduled to go to the pediatric neurologist at Vandy due to an abnormal MRI, but it has been bumped back to August. Right now the poor little guy has so much going on and it is hard at times to keep up with everything. Please pray that God would give us wisdom, discernment, and stamina to do what needs to be done concerning Jacob.
Our other 2 boys are doing pretty good. Joshua has had some excitement this past week. He stepped on a broken bottle that went through his shoe and required a trip to the ER and a tetanus shot. When all was said and done I don’t know who was more tired…me, Joshua, the nurses or the doctor…LOL…He has hobbled around the house for the last few days and has been a ham. He is such a blessing and it is exciting to see how God is working in his life. He has such deep spiritual insight for a 9 year old Aspergers child. He is doing good in home school and reading everything that he can get his hands on. John Allen is your typical teenager. Oh will Tim and I make it through this season in our lives! My oldest has been such a blessing to us. He has such a sweet and tender heart for Jacob. He helps out with Jacob a lot and entertains him when Tim and I have other things we have to do. John Allen just finished another season of competitive BB shooting. He had a pretty good season but due to other family happenings and circumstances, will not be going to Nationals this year. He was very disappointed but understood the special circumstances. God is teaching John Allen patience, and how to handle unexpected circumstances that are beyond his control.
Tim and I have been very busy taking the boys to therapies, doctor’s appointments, practices, home schooling, the Mission and other things. Our lives are so full to overflowing and at times we are so overwhelmed, tired and misunderstood. There are some areas that suffer due to our busyness and we try to do the best that we can. God has granted grace in abundance and has blessed in ways that make us weep at His goodness and faithfulness. Please continue to hold us up in prayer. At times when you are overwhelmed it seems that is when Satan attacks full force. Pray for our children and their different health issues, pray for wisdom and discernment for Tim and I as we lead our family and the Mission in the way they should go. Pray for our summer ministries that God would bring the children, adults and helpers we need in order to make it a success for His glory. Pray for our support during these hard economic times, we have had a drop in support and God in His goodness has provided for our needs.
Thank you so much for being such sweet blessings to us. You have encouraged, supported, listened, prayed etc. for us and it is very much appreciated. We are humbled and blessed to have you as co laborers with us. May God richly bless each of you in His grace and faithfulness.
In His grip,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel BCM Intl.
829 Hi Tech Drive 309 Colonial Drive
Livingston, TN 38570 PO Box 249 (Sarah) Akron, PA 17501 (Tim)
931-823-9320 1-888-bcmintl
Account #0642
(Please make checks payable to BCM Intl. and on a separate sheet of paper put our name and account number)
Activities at Good News Mission
During School we have Bible Club from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM on Tuesdays.
During this time we have Bible stories or a Missionary story, music, verse memorization, games and we also provide a meal. The ladies of the Mission help out with the different activities during this time.
The summer is our time when we do mini day camps.
Our day camps are along the same lines as our Bible clubs. The exception being that they are from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. The Overton County summer lunch program provides food for the children. On Fridays of our day camps we have water day. We try to get volunteers from the local Church youth groups to come and help us but again the ladies of the Mission help out with the different activities except for the Bible/Missionary story in which Tim does the teaching.
The teaching material that we use is a conglomeration of BCM Intl., Child Evangelism, Lifeway, and self made materials among others.
Our mission BCM Intl. also has Teacher training called “In Step with the Master Teacher” and “Sharing Christ with kids.” Tim and I, when asked, go into the local churches and teach these very effective teaching tools.
Tim and I also do children’s revivals and missionary conferences.
At Good News Mission we also have the following classes…women’s cooking classes as well as children’s cooking classes. We have craft, movie and game nights for the adults and food as well….
On Sundays from 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM we have a Sunday School type teaching. We have a meal, singing, and Bible teaching. Tim will do the children and Sarah does the women. At times we will combine both women and children and either Tim or I will do the class. On occasion one of the ladies will bring her guitar and will play/sing gospel songs. We are so blessed when she does this.
In the summer we have started a new program with our community garden. Last year was our first year and it was a great success. This year the garden has been plowed and we already have tomato and potatoes planted. Whoever at the Mission (or in the community) works in the garden gets to benefit. from the fruit of their labors.
All throughout the week it is not unusual to find something going on at Good News Mission. We are also a place where the local Families First program sends women to do their community service hours. Right now we have a couple of ladies who come and help clean, organize, supervise and do other things around the Mission. Usually in the evenings we will have children who will come and hang out at the Mission with our kids. This has opened a lot of doors in the community and has presented a lot of opportunities to pray and talk about Jesus.
As you can see we are very busy at Good News Mission. We do all of this on top of home schooling our children, going to therapies, doctor’s appointments and trying to minister to extended family members who are having a rough time right now. Our sole desire is to share Jesus with others through whatever means the Lord presents us with at the time. God has been so good and faithful and we give Him all the glory, praise, service and love that are due Him.