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Prayer Letters
Thursday, 30 October 2008
End of Summer 2008 Prayerletter

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7


Dear family and friends,


What an unexpected summer we have had…..but God has been so good and faithful and we give Him all the glory, honor and praise that are due Him. We would like to thank each of you for being so faithful, encouraging, loving and most of all praying for us. This has been a summer full of unexpected turn of events, and one of unexpected blessings as well. Isn’t it neat how it seems God balances everything out in order to keep us encouraged and to keep us close to Him? We thank you God for loving us the way that you do, even when we have to learn the lessons “out on the field trip instead of in the classroom” as Beth Moore puts it.


I would just like to give you all an update on our family and summer starting with Jacob. The final diagnosis for his health problems are MODY (Mature Onset Of Diabetes in the Youth). Until his body decides what it is going to do there is not a whole lot that can be done. Right now we just have to keep an eye on his sugars. His sugar readings are all over the board….low, high and just right. It seems that his body is able to regulate itself when it needs to. We thank you all so much for your prayers, letters and calls of encouragement.


Joshua is going to therapy in Cookeville two days a week for an hour at a time for occupational and physical therapy. This has made a tremendous difference (for the good) in his behavior and in other areas of his day to day activities. We are on a waiting list at a place in Chattanooga, TN called TEAM. We are hoping to get an “official” diagnosis of his disability, Aspergers (high functioning autism), and then we can get him even more help that he needs. The therapy that he is doing now is just a drop in the bucket of what he needs. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, technicians, and others who will be involved in this process. This will be a 2 day testing from what I am understanding, that will cover EVERYTHING such as MRI’s, EKGs just to name a few. The representative from TEAM said that the Ronald McDonald house has offered to let families who go to TEAM stay there for a small fee. This is such a blessing to hear as Chattanooga is 2 hours away and we are on a limited budget. As of the writing of this newsletter we have not heard back from them yet. Pray that we will hear something soon.


John Allen has been doing very well. The beginning of July we went to Bowling Green, KY for John Allen to participate in the International BB Gun Competition. For a first timer he did very well. He scored 405 out of a possible 500. He shot the best he had ever shot in practice and in other competitions. His coaches said that he was the most improved for the season. A special blessing helped with many of the expenses that the team didn’t cover. On July 22nd my “baby” turned 12 and in came the hormones, attitude and everything else that comes with being a preteen. Please pray for us that we can teach him to be a man after God’s own heart and that he will grow spiritually and be used for God’s glory.


We have been very busy with different ministries this summer. In June we went to Homer, GA to help fellow missionary, Lois Lass, do a VBS at her church. We had one assurance of salvation with new children who have started attending the church off and on all summer. July 14-18 we had our first VBS here at the Mission. What a blessing we received!! I prayed for 20 individuals and God gave us 37-40!! What a blessing and abundant answer to prayer! There is another housing area close to the projects that we have been trying to get into for a long time without much success. We prayed and went to this area and passed out VBS flyers. What a response!!! We had nine children to come from this area and we have had contact with them since VBS. As a matter of fact they were the first children to arrive everyday to VBS. God is so good and faithful!! I had my ladies from my Bible class here at the Mission to help with crafts, serving food, cleaning and crowd control. They loved it!!! A lot of times they would beat me and arrive early to get things set up. We had a lot of volunteers who came and helped….my mom helped wherever she was needed, friend/fellow BCM missionary, Lois Lass, did the Bible verse and Bible enrichment time, Tim did the Bible and Missionary story, songs and games, close friend Shirley Hunley came and took pictures, and Ms. Robbie helped serve food (and ice cream). I was in charge of the food and crafts. Those of you, who know me well, know that I am not a craft person, but with the help of others and a lot of prayer I was able to come up with crafts that the kids (and adults) really enjoyed. Usually at a regular VBS we would take up an offering. Considering who we were ministering to we prayed about what we could do instead of an offering and somehow incorporate it into a contest. As a funny comment I said why not take up canned/boxed food. Almost everyone in the low income housing area may not be able to afford to send money, but they could send nonperishable food items. So that is what we did. Our food pantry is now fully stocked and the kids had a blast. You should have seen all the children bringing BAGS of groceries in order to get points for their team. At the end of the week the Girls ended up winning even though the boys gave it a good shot and won 2 of the 5 days. What a very blessed week we had.  We had one to accept Christ and one assurance of salvation!! I can’t say it enough….. God is so good and faithful!! I would like to thank the local churches and individuals who helped/volunteered and provided the food. This was such a blessing and we were able to feed children and mommies and daddy’s who participated. We had different churches, organizations and individuals who provided for a meal each night of the week. The kids and parents were so thankful for this. These are people who are really having a hard time and any little thing that you can do for them or their children they are very thankful. I will be honest there are some who think you owe it to them and theirs but Jesus said let the little ones come unto me……God has blessed and we thank you for your part in this ministry.


July 22-25 we headed to Taccoa, GA to help missionary, Lois Lass with a VBS in the projects. She prayed for ten and God gave us 17 with 29 being on the roll for the week!!! There were two assurances of salvation with one being very serious and searching scripture for answers and learning what God had to say to him. His name is Isaiah and he is an attendee of Lois’ Bible club she does throughout the school year. Please pray for Isaiah that God would continue to reveal different things to him and that God would use him in a mighty way for His glory.


Now we would like to update you about our Mission’s (BCM) annual conference. In our last newsletter we had stated that we were having financial difficulties in that we couldn’t afford the cost of conference  and the gas to get there on August 24-28, and then on to New Jersey to visit Tim’s mom and sister. God has blessed abundantly!! A special blessing has paid our conference fees and we have had some money to come in toward our gas expenses!! God is so good in all His ways!! We are still short on gas funds, and again if you would like to help out with this expense please contact us by e-mail, mail or call us. We greatly appreciate and are blessed by those of you who have given already. We love and appreciate all that you do for us as we minister. Your prayers, encouragement, love etc….. We are blessed beyond measure! Please pray for our children… with them not going to Cedar Lake camp this summer they are especially looking forward to going to conference. When we have family prayer time they always thank God for making a way for us to go to conference. What precious faith children have when we adults are anxious and worried about our circumstances. My children humble me so much at their spiritual understanding of things that I KNOW already about God and his promises but worry about anyway.


Thank you all so much for your help, love, prayers, compassion, mercy etc. You are such a blessing to our family and to our ministry and we appreciate you so much. Please keep us in your prayers as we are getting ready to start a new year of ministry. Pray as we travel to conference….we know God has something in store for us we just don’t know what it is. This scares and excites us at the same time. Pray that our hearts will be receptive to what He would have us to learn and that we would be willing to act on what He says for us to do.  Again we praise God for each of you and thank you for co-laboring with us in this ministry. May God bless you in all that you do for His glory and for His kingdom.


In His Service,


Sarah & Tim Tinkel




Sarah & Tim Tinkel                                       BCM International

829 Hi Tech Drive                                        309 Colonial Drive

Livingston, TN  38570                                   PO Box 249                 

931-823-6513 or 931-823-9320                    Akron, PA  17501-0249                       

Account #0642                                            717-859-6406

Posted by tink38570 at 3:58 PM CDT
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