
Well done, good and faithful servant! Matthew 25:21a Greetings in Jesus, Tim and I just want to praise God for each of you. You have been such a sweet blessing to our family and we don’t thank you enough for all the prayers, encouragement, support etc. that you show to us. In my Bible Study I have been studying Acts and Paul’s missionary Journeys. All throughout the scriptures the churches love on Paul; they pray for, encourage and support him in his missionary endeavors. Paul is so thankful and touched by the churches in their love for him and their desire to be a part of his ministry. We are touched and honored to be blessed by the love you show us and for your desire to be a part of our ministry. May God bless you in your giving, in your love, prayers and encouragement. We are blessed!!! The month of February has been a month of praise, LOVE and goodbye. On Valentine’s Day Tim’s mother went to be with the Lord. Even though you know the end is coming you are still not ready when it does come. Our kids took it so well. We have been praying for Mom Mom, as the kids called her, over the last few months. When we told John Allen, his response was “Mom Mom is telling Pop Pop it is her turn to hold Peter now.” (Peter was our stillborn son) and Joshua’s response was “Mom she is holding Peter and she is with Pop Pop, Jesus, Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin.” LOL…Can you tell what he has been studying in homeschool? Tim has been having a hard time. It has hit us that the only parental unit we have left is my mother. Tim’s mother was cremated and we will have a grave side service sometime this summer when the ground in Indiana is not frozen. We were going to get away for a little while until I got a call from my mother saying that the doctor was putting her in the hospital due to heart problems. We are here in Oak Ridge, TN helping my mother and grandmother. We thought that Mom was going to have a pacemaker put in but the doctor has opted to try a drug regiment first. She has been in here almost a week and we are still sitting here. God is in control and we praise Him for good doctors and such caring nurses. I also praise God for such a Godly mother in law who was such a blessing to me. The love she had for her husband, children, grandchildren but most importantly the love she had for Jesus have been such a testimony to so many. Even when dementia set in she could still quote scripture. When she didn’t remember her children she knew Jesus and talked to him daily. When she passed away hymns were being played by her bedside. What a way to go Home with hymns of praise to escort you. I have been so blessed by this special woman and she will be missed. Please pray for Tim as he adjust to a different phase in life one without his parents. Pray for mother that the doctors will get mom back on the road to recovery. Pray for our kids, our ministries and especially our support. God is so good and faithful. Thank you once again for your faithfulness but especially for your love. It has meant so much to us and you are greatly appreciated. In the next couple of weeks I will be sending out a more informative newsletter about our ministries and what God is doing. We love you and pray God’s blessings over you. In His Hands,
Sarah & Tim
Sarah & Tim Tinkel BCM International 829 Hi Tech Drive 201 Granite Run Dr. Suite 260 Livingston, TN 38570 Lancaster, PA 17601 931-823-9320 1-888-226-4685 Account #0642 (Sarah) (Tim)
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