
By faith Abel…,By faith Enoch…, By faith Noah…, By faith Abraham…, By faith Sarah…, By faith Moses…
Hebrews 11:4,5,7,8,11,23
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…
Hebrews 12:1-2
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus,
Wow…how time is flying by…all the colors of Fall that will soon usher in Winter. I love this time of year…I love the changing of seasons period. A lot has been going on with us and I would love to share my heart with you at what all God is doing. First of all back in September we went to our mission’s (BCM) annual conference in Spring City, PA. The kids loved it and the time spent with fellow missionaries was such a refreshing time for us. Tim was able to attend workshops on new teaching materials that are available and I was able to glean from other missionary moms encouragement and direction concerning children and ministry. Next we headed to New Jersey to visit Tim’s sister and mom. We had a good time and we were able to go into Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Betsy Ross’ house, Ben Franklin’s grave etc. We even got to see the steps that Sylvester Stallone ran up in Rocky and the Rocky statue. Of course this meant nothing to my children but it was exciting to Tim, my mother and me. The end of September our Regional Director and his wife came to visit for a weekend. This happened to fall on a night that my women’s cooking class was in session. My ladies wanted to be servants and bless Ken & Faith by having a good meal ready for them when they came. How precious my ladies are!! They were able to participate in ministering and being such a blessing in the process.
In October we had a work crew to come in from Columbus, GA. Three gentleman, Tim Remaly, Pastor Don and Richard, came and painted the Mission and our house…one of the guys, Tim Remaly, who at one time was a chef in France, found time to cook all the people of the Mission what I call a gourmet meal. Wow… it was so good and the fellowship was sweet. Pastor Don, brought his guitar and lead in praise and worship…and Richard shared his heart about God breaking his stronghold of drug and alcohol abuse. Precious blessings Royce and Virginia Harris came and painted, built a garbage bin, cleaned the nursery and other outside jobs. The week was such a precious week. My ladies came and we made sure that all the workers were fed and spoiled with good food and especially desserts. We thank all these precious men and women who spent a week helping us and giving Good News Mission a much needed face lift. There is still much work to be done and we ask that you be in prayer with us for the funds to complete what needs to be done.
Our family has been going through some discouraging struggles in the last month. In the last three months we have had two supporters who have had to drop us. Our support is getting to a dangerous level that Tim and I are trying not to panic and try to “fix” it as we humans are so known at doing. We believe that God has called us to the ministry of working with the low income people, Bible clubs, and different women’s and children’s ministries of Livingston and surrounding areas and running Good News Mission. We feel that God is not wanting us to go out and get jobs to supplement our income. In order for us to be effective in our ministry we need to not have this worry of low support. We ask that you please commit…really commit to lift us up in prayer that God would open doors of opportunity of ways for us to raise our support. Please commit to prayer at what maybe YOU could do. If we could get 20 people or churches to pledge $20 a month we would have reached the goal at what BCM is requiring for us. No matter what we will be faithful to the ministry God has called us…God is faithful and He will do it.
In the last few months our youngest child, Jacob, has had some extreme behavior changes. We took him to our doctor who order a round of blood, urine and MRI test. The blood and urine came back normal but the MRI came back abnormal. They are trying to get us in at Vanderbilt in Nashville to see a pediatric neurologist. Our doctors have told us that they are sure it is not cancer or a tumor but that there are asymmetrical abnormalities that have showed up. The probability is that it is nothing to worry about but anytime you have to go to a specialist at Vanderbilt it can be overwhelming and scary. Please pray for us and for the doctors for wisdom and discernment.
Our other two children, John Allen and Joshua, are doing good. We are all actively involved in Community Bible Study (CBS), the kids and I go into Cookeville on Thursday mornings for CBS and Tim does CBS on Wednesday night. I go to a ladies Bible study on Thursday night and Tim goes to Men’s Fraternity at our attending church early Thursday mornings. Thursday seems to be our busiest day except for Sundays and Tuesdays our days of ministry held at the Mission.
We thank you so much for the blessings that each of you are to us. When I think about and see what God is doing not only in our different ministries but what He is doing in our family…I cry at God’s grace so abundantly given. We are so blessed and honored to have you co-laboring with us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for ALL that you do to further His kingdom for His glory and for allowing us to be a part of it.
In His Service,
Tim & Sarah Tinkel BCM Intl.
829 Hi Tech Drive 309 Colonial Drive
Livingston, TN 38570 PO Box 249
931-823-9320 Akron, PA 17501 (Tim) 1-888-226-4685 (Sarah)
Acct. #0642
When sending in support make checks payable to BCM intl. On a separate sheet of paper put apply to Tim and Sarah Tinkel support account #0642.