
How we thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord! So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (NLT)
It is so hard to believe that summer is over! God has blessed so abundantly and we give Him praise glory and honor.
Summer has officially ended and now it is time to home school. John Allen is in 7th grade this year and Joshua is in 1st grade. We will be doing some pre-k work with Jacob as he likes to be involved with “school” work as well. He thinks that whatever his older brothers do he has to do to. Oh to be the parents of 3 rambunctious boys…it is so exciting and some times frustrating, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Upcoming events for our family are: Joshua will be playing upward flag football. He is so excited and all he has been talking about is going thru the tunnel as Jeremy announces his name. Thank you Jeremy for being so patient and good to our Joshua… he thinks the world of you. Joshua will also start his speech therapy again once the public schools get started and he will continue with his OT/PT therapies. We have had to increase Joshua’s meds and we can see a marked improvement in his behaviors. Joshua’s reading has really taken off but he is having problems in math. Please pray that we can find the right method of teaching him and that it will stick. Joshua is easily frustrated when he doesn’t get a concept and has a hard time staying on task or getting back on task. John Allen will continue his shooting. It is still the off season but John Allen has been practicing in order to improve his scores from last year and hopes to go back to Internationals in Bowling Green, KY. John Allen turned 13 years old in July. My teenager who is no longer a boy. He is growing so fast. Please be in prayer for him as he enters this new stage in his life where hormones are going out of whack and emotions are at a high. Jacob our very rambunctious 3 year old is into everything. It tickles Tim and I at how his speech has taken off. The conversations that we have are precious and we cherish them. He follows his brothers around and is the typical little brother that tries to do everything that his big brothers do. He is aggravating, a pest and is very much loved and watched over by his big brothers. Tim and I are taking a deep breath and getting ready to start up our regular ministries. I will be starting back up my women’s cooking, game and craft classes. My ladies have been such a blessing over the summer. They jumped right in and got involved with ministry of Day Camp. They helped in all areas except for teaching the Bible. They were a joy and Tim and I greatly appreciated all their help and encouragement over the summer. We were able to meet new families and be able to help out in different areas of their lives. Please pray for the children and families we ministered to this summer. Pray for their spiritual condition and for opportunities for us to help them as we are able. In September Tim will be starting up his Bible Clubs. We will again this year provide a meal during this time. Please pray that we will be able to get some much needed supplies, support and donations for Good News Mission. If you would like to help in this area please let me and Tim know. Any money that comes in for Good News Mission (GNM) goes directly into operating cost. Tim and I do not get paid by GNM. Our support is completely separate.
Another area that we are expanding in the upcoming school year is tutoring. We have found that the local children have a very hard time in school….some of them can barely read. At the end of last school year we had started tutoring as needed. This year we will get actively involved in the family unit in hopes of breaking the generational legacy of non readers and being unable to excel academically. Please be in prayer with us that this ministry will be a great help not only to the children but to the parents as well.
August 30th - September 4th is our mission’s, BCM Intl., annual Missions conference. This year, for the first time, BCM will be doing a teen’s missions conference. While the adults and younger children are in their workshops and Bible classes the teens will be in theirs. John Allen has become so excited as on July 22nd he entered that new phase of teenager. Please pray that we will be able to get the remaining cost of conference and the necessary funds to get there and back. The cost of conference for our family is around $385 and right now we have over half. If you would like to help in this regard it would be greatly appreciated and such a blessing. We get such encouragement, refreshment and joy in the different workshops, Bible studies, worship and share times. We love talking with fellow missionaries and listening to what God is doing in other parts of the world and rejoicing with them at answered prayers.
We thank you so much for your faithfulness and willingness to be prayer warriors, financial supporters and encouragers. At times it gets so tiring and frustrating, but then God blesses by a card, a phone call of encouragement, a hug of gratitude etc. We are so blessed beyond measure to have you on board with us. May God richly bless you above and beyond your expectations.
In His Grip,
Sarah and Tim
Tim & Sarah Tinkel BCM Intl.
829 Hi Tech Drive 309 Colonial Drive
Livingston, TN 38570 P.O. Box 249
931-823-9320 Akron, PA 17501
931-823-6513 1-888-bcmintl
Account #0642