
“Clearly you are a God who works behind the scenes.” Isaiah 45:14 (The Message)
“Come and see what God has done, how awesome his work’s in man’s behalf” Ps. 66:5
Greetings in Jesus,
Wow! How time is flying by! This summer has been such a busy one. To start off the summer we had a week long day camp in which we averaged close to 40 children and adults. My ladies were so excited to have a part in the ministry. They had a part in the game time, verse time and tried to do songs. They have especially enjoyed the water days with the shaving cream and water balloon fights and the water slide. Some of the ladies even experimented with some of the activities and tested them out before the children… LOL.. The following weeks thru July we are doing day camps two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). The kids are having such a good time along with the adults. If you will go to our face book pages you will see different albums full of pictures of our camps.
The end of June we had a fund raising yard sale in order to raise money for our summer ministries. The Mission has been unable to fund the day camps and so Tim and I have done, financially, what we could and with the help of the yard sale we have been able to buy some much needed supplies and other items for the day camps. We still need more supplies and if you would like to help by donating supplies or taking up a special love offering for the Mission’s expenses please let us know. All help would be GREATLY appreciated and considered such a sweet blessing.
The 4th of July weekend we headed to Bowling Green, KY for John Allen to compete in the International BB gun competition. John Allen did such a great job! He scored a 440 out of a possible 500 and his team, the Bend of the River Possums, placed 9th in the nation out of 42 teams! God blessed in such a mighty way John Allen’s hard work and the rests of the teams efforts. Joshua has been doing ok. He goes to OT/PT therapy once a week. Please be in prayer for Joshua… he has been having some major melt downs here lately. We have consulted with the doctor and we have decided to increase his meds to see it that will make a difference. So far it seems to be working… please pray for wisdom and discernment for Tim and I as we try to figure out the best course of action for him. Jacob is a very active 3 year old. He loves being outside playing with his brothers and the other children. On the days we have water day at day camp Jacob becomes our little “helper” in setting up the different stations. Of course he gets to “test” out the different stations and the water slide is his favorite and he tests it over and over and over again to make sure that it is working properly!
We have a young man, Matt, who has come to stay with us this summer through August. He wants to get an idea about different ministries. He is searching the Lord’s will for his life and we ask that you please hold him up in prayer. Pray that God would be with Matt in a mighty way and that God would use him for His glory.
The end of August first of September we will be going to PA to our mission’s (BCM Intl.) annual conference. This is a time of refreshment and a time of getting with other missionaries from different parts of the world to pray and rejoice at what God is doing. This year at conference they are offering a special teen program. John Allen is excited at the prospect of having his own program/conference. It is almost like a graduation to him in which he is leaving the childish things behind and moving on to more grownup things. We have had some precious blessings who have pledged to help out with the cost of conference this year. If you would like to be a blessing by helping with the cost of conference or with the cost of gas/trip there and back, please let us know or send checks made payable to BCM and on a separate piece of paper state that you would like for it to go toward the cost of conference or support. Our kids love going to conference and any help will be greatly appreciated and considered such a great blessing.
We would like to thank each of you for all that you do on our behalf. We are blessed by your faithfulness in co laboring with us in this special ministry that God has called us to. We ask that you please continue to pray for our family and our ministries. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for Tim and me as we minister to our children. We have had some challenges with them, with John Allen turning 13 in July and the hormones and emotions that come with that, Joshua with his special needs that come with his Asperger’s/ADHD and Jacob who is starting to imitate some of Joshua’s bad behaviors, at times it gets a little overwhelming and frustrating. Please pray for our support. We gain and lose some and can’t seem to keep a steady flow. I know it seems that we are always asking for an increase, but BCM has set a goal of $2000 a month for the year 2009 and we are about $300 short of that goal. Although we are only $300 short, we are way below the amount that BCM has set for a family of 5. There will be a new goal for 2010 and we desperately covet your prayers. We are trying to be faithful in doing what BCM has asked us to do and it has become a frustrating challenge. Please pray for more opportunities for us to share our passion and hearts desire for this ministry that God has called us to. I know that God is faithful and that He is with us and that nothing touches us that it doesn’t go through His hands first. Pray that we can keep our eyes on Him when times get frustrating and disheartening. His grace is sufficient during this season in our lives. We love you all and pray God’s special blessings on each of you.
Hearts greatly blessed,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
Sarah & Tim Tinkel BCM Intl.
829 Hi Tech Drive 309 Colonial Drive
Livingston, TN 38570 PO Box 249
(931)823-6513 or (931)823-9320 Akron, PA 17501-0249 1-888-226-4685
angel again Account #0642
For those of you who would like to make a donation to Good News Mission in its operating expenses you may do so by making checks payable to:
Good News Mission
C/O Virginia Harris
108 W. Court Square
Livingston, TN 38570