“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21
Greetings in Jesus,
God is so good and faithful!!! A few weeks ago God laid this verse on my heart to share with my ladies at Good News Mission. My ladies are so precious and each one has a unique gift that God has given her, gifts that they don’t realize that they have. Whether it is the gift of serving, encouragement, companionship, listening, creativity, works, music…there is such a wide assortment. A lot of times my ladies don’t realize what a blessing they are and I wanted them to see what I see…but most importantly what God sees. They are like sponges that soak up God’s word and are learning how to apply it and how it applies to them. I love to see how they light up when they get a concept and how they want to stay after class to discuss it further. I was trying to tell them that the little and big things they do like giving their neighbor a can of soup, toilet paper (and not expecting them to return the favor at some later date), helping each other, sitting in on Tim’s Bible club and helping with crowd control, help serving a meal to the children after Bible club and on Sundays….they are laying up for themselves treasures in Heaven, the kind of treasures that make a difference in eternity.
Good News Mission has been a bee hive of activity over the last several months. The women’s cooking class has been such a joy and huge success! We are at the point now that the ladies are bringing in recipes that they want to try. There have been some successes and some failures….it has been fun either way. We have grown close in our different relationships with each other. It is neat to see how we all look out for each other and how we keep in contact with each other throughout the week. I have been so blessed through the cooking class and to see the inner beauty of these precious blessings….I wished that others could see what I see. The cooking class has lead into various other get togethers. We are now doing craft days, movie days, and game days throughout the month. Each of us bring a snack to share and have a great time. We have also started walking just about every day depending on the weather. There are quite a few of us who need to lose a few extra pounds! In Bible club and on Sunday afternoons we are averaging 20-25+. I get my ladies involved by helping with crowd control in Bible club and help serving meals afterwards and on Sundays. We are also getting ready for the summer. We are planning on having a couple of weeks of half day day camps, a VBS, and having special activities 2 times a week throughout the summer. I have already tagged my ladies to help out with these different ministry opportunities. The are so excited and are looking forward to the summer. A big project that Tim is planning, with other experts, is a community garden. The ladies and others who want to participate will be helping to put out a garden, tend it and reap the benefits of their labors. The ladies are wanting to harvest and take stuff to the Farmer’s Market to sale and earn money to do special activities.
Our family has been busy with sickness, therapies, home schooling and just a busy schedule in general. John Allen has been having a hard time here lately. I sometimes wonder if we will make it out alive in this preteen stage! LOL…..just kidding! On a serious note he is having problems with sibling rivalry concerning Joshua. We are trying to go out on dates with him, spend time with him apart from Joshua and for a little while it works, but then we get right back into the rut of anger, frustration, rebellion….the list goes on. John Allen is such a blessing and big help especially with Jacob. Please be in prayer for us that God would give us wisdom and discernment concerning our children and especially in the new stage of tweenager. An activity that both John Allen and Joshua participate in is competitive BB gun shooting. Every Saturday Tim and the boys go to Bend of the River to shoot and a few times during the week. This is Joshua’s first year and he is doing very well for a first year student. We have just gotten done with pre states and John Allen placed 6th in the competition. He has a very good chance of going again to Internationals in Bowling Green, KY in July. Joshua is doing pretty good. We are still going to therapies 4 times a week, home schooling, shooting, CBS…..how do we get it all done? He is such a good kid….not to say that he doesn’t have his moments but he is such a blessing (as are all my boys). Joshua had his first experience with the dentist last month. What an experience that was! He had an abscessed tooth that needed to be pulled along with other dental work. Lets just say that the laughing gas did its work. Jacob is growing like a weed! He is growing so fast and losing that baby look. He is growing into such a sturdy little boy with an attitude that needs adjusting at times……and we do adjust it when necessary. He thinks that he can do whatever his big brothers do. All three of the boys are growing so fast and time is flying by.
God is so good and faithful and we give Him the glory and praise that are due Him. We ask that you please continue to be in prayer for us. Pray for our support and for opportunities to share our heart’s desire and passion for our ministries. A praise that we have is that Joshua has been approved for disability. This has raised our support but we have had some of our supporters who have had to drop us. BCM is requiring that for the year 2009 that we have at least a support level of $2000 a month. Right now we are barely there but that leaves not much money for emergencies and extras. Please be in prayer with us that we can maintain that minimum goal that BCM set for us and perhaps even raise more. Please be in prayer for our van. It has over 140,000 miles on it and, as you know, vehicles with this type of mileage start tearing up. Pray that God would provide\bless us with a van that is more reliable and that will require no payments and no fixing up. Pray for our children John Allen, Joshua, and Jacob. Pray for compassion, grace and understanding for John Allen when he becomes frustrated with Joshua. Pray for Joshua that he will learn how to control his anger and frustration. Pray for Jacob that he will learn the importance of obeying. Pray for Tim and me for wisdom and discernment where our children are concerned, for ministry, and our busy schedule.
We thank you all so much for your love and faithfulness toward us and this ministry that we co-labor together in. May God richly bless each of you above and beyond in all that you do for His glory.
Hearts GREATLY blessed,
Sarah & Tim Tinkel
Sarah & Tim Tinkel BCM International
829 Hi Tech Drive 309 Colonial Drive
Livingston, TN 38570 PO Box 249
931-823-6513 or 931-823-9320 Akron, PA 17501-0249
Angelfire.com/tink38570/familiesagain bcmintl.org
Account#0642 1-888-bcmintl