
Topic: Men's Monday Meme
I know that many of you take a few days to think over the new meme question before you answer it. I really feel bad that this one is late. Soooo, here's what I'm going to do. This week I'm posting not one, but two questions and I'm going to give you an extended time to answer them. One is going to be a regular question, and one is going to be a Hot Topic question. You can choose to answer one or both, but there are a couple of rules for posting your answer this time.
- If you choose to answer both, they need to be seperate posts.
- When you post your answer on the Mr. Linky, please put in parenthesis the question number that you answered. For example ~ Tim @ Families Again (#1)
- You have until midnight on Feb. 8. To post your answers. That gives you a week and a half for one or both questions to be answered.
- Remember, you can post at any time between now and then, so you can post one answer in a couple of days and then the other a few days after that.
OK, now the questions:
Regular Question (#1): Who makes the financial decisions around your home? Do you share in making them? Are there ever any disagreements?
Hot Topic Question (#2): There has been a lot of heated discussion on The Blog Frog (Don't know what it is? Ask your wife.) about homosexuality. As a matter of fact, the president just mentioned it in his State of the Union address. What do you think about homosexuality? Is it right or wrong? Why do you feel so?
Actually, both of the above could be Hot Topic questions in some households. Should be interesting. If you don't agree with someone's answer, don't shoot me. I'm only the messenger . Let me remind you of my regular rules as well:
And now, without further adieu, here's the new Mr. Linky:
Updated: Thursday, 28 January 2010 10:49 PM CST
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